Dear friends:
Greetings to you from the Diocese of the Rift Valley! I want to take this opportunity to inform you of our wonderful achievements last year (2008) and let you know what we are planning in 2009. We thank you very much for your financial and prayer support throughout the year.
For over half of 2008 I did not have a car to enable me to move around the Diocese for ministry. This made our work very difficult. But, in August God provided a car, for which we are very thankful.
Projects completed in 2008
1. We planted eight churches in the northern districts of our Diocese (Singida and Iramba). None of these churches has a pastor. Eight evangelists are faithfully serving these new churches. In 2009 we plan to provide funds for the building of one house for one pastor at a location in this area. Construction is expensive. The estimate for building one home in a village is TZS 10,000,000, which is approximately USD 7,800 or Euro 6,000.
2. We helped to support the building of places of worship and the feeding of the hungry.
3. Education was a priority in 2008. We thank you so much for your financial support, which enabled us to pay the school fees of our Pastors’ children. Very few Pastors' children have not benefited from this fund. The school fees have been going up each year here in
4. We found ourselves moved to help 450 orphans. We gave them clothing, food and school supplies. Most of them are orphans because their parents died of HIV/AIDS. The Mothers'
5. The Diocese owns the
6. We installed a water pump at Kilimatinde dam, but we need to purify the water before humans can use it. We thank the Grundfos Company Limited for their generosity. They provided the hospital beds, mattresses, generator and the water pump.
We expect that this year the Grundfos Company will implement the Londoni water project. And we thank the
7. We started building a computer centre at
8. At Kilimatinde we cerebrated the 80th anniversary of the building of the Kilimatinde church and the coming of the gospel to Kilimatinde. Lots of people attended - nearly hundreds of thousands. Nearly all local TV and radio stations aired the event. Thank you very much for your prayer supports. The photo shows Kilimatinde Church.
Challenges in 2008
We also faced several challenges in 2008.
1. Many of our parishes did not have pastors as most of them are studying in theological colleges.
2. The most painful challenge, which we faced at the Head Office, was that I was unable to pay staff salaries for two months. The same problem occurred at
3. The Diocese does not have the money to run its ministries. The budget is there but the money is not there! Although we did not receive enough money from within the Diocese, a few overseas supporters helped us.
Now we are in 2009.
2009 Diocesan Synod
Our Diocesan Synod will take place from July 3rd - 5th. This event will require a lot of money, planning and activities. We need your prayers.
Priorities for 2009
We have two priorities in this Diocese: financial and spiritual.
We need to strengthen our diocesan finances in the following ways:
1. Complete the Manyoni Pharmacy (shown in the photo to the left). If the pharmacy can begin working this year, it will bring income into the Diocese.
2. Complete the first hostel and improve the existing second hostel.
We need TZS 100 million (approximately USD 78,000/Euro 60,500) to complete the construction of the first hostel. When completed, it will bring in about TZS 60,000,000 (approximately USD 50,000/Euro 36,000) per year in income to the Diocese.
The photo to the right shows an unfinished room in the second Manyoni hostel.
If we can improve the quality of the existing second hostel, we will be able to make another TZS 60,000,000 per year.
Our financial problems will at least be reduced, if not solved, by the annual receipt of these funds. Your financial support can help us achieve the goal of being self supporting. Your help will be greatly appreciated, for which we give the glory to God!
3. Build the conference centre in our plot of land. It will generate more than TZS 60,000,000 per year. We need TZS 300,000,000 (approximately USD 235,000/Euro 181,000) to build this centre.
4. Renovate the
Humans are both physical and spiritual. We need to teach the SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) course (Emotionally Free) across the Diocese. Spiritual meetings will be conducted all over the Diocese. We want to achieve a disciplined and committed people.
To God be the glory!
In His service,
1 comment:
dear brother bishop John Lupaa.
Many thanks for sending us your blogg-link to stay in contact.
It looks great!
We're looking forward to come to Tanzania, to visit your Diocese in April.
Many greetings.
Mungu akubariki
Matthias Gebhardt
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